We had always planned to go to Chateau D’Olonne where Lucette and Claude live our French friends of more than 30 years. It was wonderful to see them again, they made us very welcome and invited us to have dinner with them that evening. What a great evening catching up on news and family events.
The surrounding coastal strip in this area is very interesting with lots to see such as the famous shell passages.
The weather was now changing and it was becoming colder and much more rain than we had seen since setting off from England nearly 3 months ago. So where next consulting with Big Ted -----?
We went to a very special place - Saint Michel is it is truly a mythical monument its silhouette can be seen for miles around.
The expanse of the bay, an immense open space as the tide ebbs and flows twice a day around the Mount.
The long history of the Mount dating back to 708 when it was built as a sanctuary it soon became a focus for pilgrims where it grew to the magnificent building it is today
Then on to see Pegasus bridge at Benouville where at the museum we saw how the 6th Airborne Division of the British forces liberated the town and held the bridge.
It was not difficult to decided where next - Honfleur is a very attractive small working port. Lots of resturants and café bars and artists sketching
Onwards North to Le Crotoy. The Town is known for its seafood resturants and open waters, marsh land, dunes and saltwater meadows.
We found a steam train that goes along the coastal towards St Valley-s Somme explored Cayeux s Mer another small fishing with a very old church in the center. 
Calais was our next stop for the ferry back to England and the white cliffs of Dover. We had mixed feelings about leaving our adventure what a great time we have had seeing wonderful places, lots of lessons learned but excited at seeing friends and family.
The next question on our minds where next and when ??????
The next question on our minds where next and when ??????